Monday, July 22, 2013

Cross Country Season is Near! (August 12th)

Hey Ladies,

I hope you've been enjoying your summer vacation!

I am extremely excited to be entering into our VERY FIRST Season of Cross Country at Little Flower.

August 12th marks the date of our first pre-season practice, and we will be having practice from 8am-10am (Trying to avoid some of the later in the day heat).

We will be meeting at the (hopefully newly finished) track and soccer fields.

I would like for us to get off to a STRONG START and that means coming into pre-season (Aug 12th) with some good general running and strength conditioning. Below I listed what you should be doing to get you started (especially if you have not been doing much running to this point) this week.

I will be posting new weekly mileage/workouts & strength circuit/exercises to follow as the weeks progress. Also make sure you have proper running sneakers to handle the mileage you will be running (Running Specialty stores and locations are listed in the Equipment links on the side of the blog).

If you have any questions don't hesitate to text me (number is listed in the Coaches Contact Information link/section of the blog).

**The website is a good resource if you want to see how long/many miles the courses are that you may want to run, or create yourself for some running variety. Try to get to as many trails or grassy areas as possible.

**Also, don't be shy in calling/texting up some girls from Track that you know are running XC to run together. 

Week of 7/22/13

*Dynamic Warmups & Drills Before EACH run

Monday: 2 miles + Strength Circuit A
Tuesday: 2 miles + Strength Circuit B
Wednesday: Off (walking and stretching if you're pretty sore)
Thursday: 3 miles + Strength Circuit A
Friday: 2 miles = Strength Circuit B
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 3.5-4 miles (Long Run Day)

STRENGTH CIRCUIT A: Rounds X # of Reps

*Do ROUND ONE of ALL the 7 Exercises listed with NO rest, when done all 7 REST for 3 MINUTES then do the SECOND ROUND. Followed by the Cooldown.

1. Squats 2x10
2. Pushups 2 x 10
3. Backwards in place Lunges 2 x 10ea leg
(Carefully take a step backwards and lunge, then move the foot back into place and repeat for number of reps listed)
4. Reverse Pushups 2x 10
(go down on count of 3-5sec, then get self back up to the top, make sure the movement down is slow and controlled).
5. Side Step & Squats 2x 10
(Take a step to the Right side, Squat, Take Step to the Left side, Squat. Repeat for number listed)
6. Planks 2x 30 seconds
7. Superwomans 2 x 20 (Lying on stomach and lifting both arms and feet off the ground simultaneously, pause at top then lower them back to the ground)

* Add extra Core (AB/Low Back if you like)

STRENGTH CIRCUIT B: Rounds X # of Reps

1. Squat Holds 2x30 seconds (Hold at the bottom of the Squat)
2. Pushups 2 x 10
3. Hip Bridges/Kisses 2 x 20 (Pause at the TOP and SQUEEZE the butt cheeks together)
4. Reverse Pushups 2x 10
(Go down on count of 3-5sec, then get self back up to the top, make sure the movement down is slow and controlled).
5. Lunge to the Sides (Left/Right) 2x 10ea
(Take a step to the Right side then Lunge then push back into place, Take Step to the Left side, Lunge then push foot back into place)
6. Mountain Climbers with a twist 2x 25 (Right & Left switches count as ONE rep) 
7. Superwomans 2 x 20 (Lying on stomach and lifting both arms and feet off the ground simultaneously, pause at top then lower them back to the ground)

* Add extra Core (AB/Low Back if you like)

*COOLDOWN (Walk 2-5mins and stretch 5-10mins) After EACH Workouts



- Coach Mel ;-)

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