1. Always eat breakfast (Some choices: fruit & yougurt/cottage cheese, veggie omelet, protein shake, fruit smoothie, oatmeal, fruit w/peanut butter)
2. Drink Plenty of Water (0.66 x Body weight) or at least half your Body weight in ounces of water
3. Eat some good protein at every meal (chicken, fish, salmon, turkey, eggs, nuts/trail mix, yougurt, beans, natural peanut butter)
4. Eat every 2-3 hours
5. Eat 5/6 small meals a day (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack)
6. Eat Quality Carbohydrates ( Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Wheat Spaghetti, brown rice, Sweet Potatoes)
7. Eat Quality Fats (Nuts, Avacado, Fish/Salmon)
8. Limit (this does not mean cut out completely) processed foods and high calorie fatty foods (chips, cakes, cookies, fried foods)
9. Eat clean 85-90% of the time (that means following the previous 8 tips)
10. Drink Chocolate Milk as a recovery drink after workouts/practice (organic or low-fat if possible). It has a great protein to carbohydrate ratio for optimum muscle/tissue repair and energy refuel
11. When doing grocery shopping, stay on the perimeters of the store. This is where the higher quality foods (produce, dairy, fresh lean meats, etc.) are located.
12. Eat full meal 2-3 hours before intense workouts/meets. Eat small snacks (fruit, granola bar, smoothies) 1 hour before practice/meets to avoid stomach/digestion disturbances.
13. Distance groups especially, needs to eat and plenty of and good carbohydrate energy food sources, the prior week to important/bigger meets to be optimally fueled for good performances.