Sunday, September 22, 2013

LF XC Team...? More like FAMILY!!

Hey Ladies,

I am excited to say we have kicked off LF's First XC Season (in a LONG TIME) in style!!

Day by day and week by week you ladies have been putting in the hard work and sweat (with a smile) in practices together helping to build such a great bond as a TEAM that feels more like FAMILY!!

Lynne, you see how FAMILY picks up after one another...?

I can't forget to say it once again, but great job ladies at this Wednesday's (9/18) past meet, with PR's (personal record's) had by all those that ran!!

I don't know if it was the excitement for the pep rally you had the next day or gorgeous running conditions but either way I'll take it and we can use that to move forward in a positive manner!! PMA!!

Wanted to keep this post short and sweet so I'll just leave you all with one more pic to keep our minds focused on what's at hand for the future.... To come to the starting line in EACH PRACTICE and EACH MEET ready to run with confidence, clarity (on how you need to run your pace/race), and caring for the team so that we can do great things, running FAST and as a FAMILY!!


Coach Mel ;-)